Wednesday, January 11, 2012

cinderella story

This is no cinderella story
so let's get lean, get comfortable
straight down
to bare and bloody knuckles.

This old pal told me
that good wives know
how to hold men down.
There is only one time
I'll hold a man down.

People glance mutely
through the bars
of social conditioning cages
waiting lamely
for the dangled carrot
of a taste of pussy or a football playoff,
little monkeys living out lives
of hollow desperation.

Sometimes a woman,
sometimes a man,
doing just what I like
if it makes me free of the cage,
if it makes me the eternal bitch of the world.

Let's get married, sure,
climb up into the woods
do the thing,
climb back down again
exactly the same.

Maybe born from this love,
mighty and unrestrained,
comes a little child
who sees those invisible bars
for herself
and breathes herself free.
A neat trick.

She'll show her friends
this game we all play
pretend follow the leader-
only there is no leader!
A tiny child army
of kids who won't play along.
Then they'll start their own game
and hopefully
it will be nicer than this one.

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